React Drag and Drop Sortable List
The project files are available here and the live demo is hosted on codesandbox:
A bit about the project:
In this project, I will be implementing react-beautiful-dnd into a sample project, we’ll display a list of dummy comments that we generated using the
Packages I have used:
Spoiler, we only need react-beautiful-dnd for the functionality, the rest of the packages I’ve used are just so I can focus more on the functionality and less on styling the application.
Generating Dummy Data:
So, I generated dummy data using, attached below is the snapshot of my dummy data structure.
You can access the generated data here:
Now that we have the data, let’s start working with the application.
File Structure:
Important note: I’ve used reference forwarding in this project.
Now let’s dive into the Components, the first one we’ll take a look at is the <Comments/> Component, because it is the simplest one.
import React, { forwardRef } from "react";// as react-beautiful-dnd const Comments = forwardRef(({ children, ...props }, ref) => {return (<ul ref={ref} className="comments">{children}</ul>);});export default Comments;
We are going to wrap this component with <Droppable/> component and this <Droppable/> requires a reference to the root html element inside of it. We’ll forward the reference passed to <Comments/> component and we’ll assign the ul tag/element (root element) this reference. This way, <Droppable/> component will have reference to root html element inside of it.
If this is not making any sense, do not worry, it will make sense, I promise you this. ❤
Next is the <Comment/> Component, it will render the comment with a nice icon that you can use to drag the comment.
import React, { forwardRef } from "react";import { GrDrag } from "react-icons/gr";//for formatting dateimport moment from "moment";
const Comment = forwardRef(({ comment, date, id, dragHandleProps, snapshot, ...props }, ref) => {return (<liref={ref}{...props}className={"comment card p-2 my-2 " + (snapshot.isDragging ? "hovering" : "")}><div className="d-flex align-items-top"><span {...dragHandleProps}><GrDrag /></span><small className="ml-2 text-dark">{comment}</small></div><div className="text-muted text-right"><small>{moment(date).format("DD/mm/yyyy")}</small></div></li>);});export default Comment;
Okay, so big code. Let’s get into it.
Just like the previous <Comments/> component, we’ll be wrapping <Comment/> with <Draggable/> component, this will make this component draggable. Keep this in mind, now let me explain each part.
- comment: (the text content of the comment)
- date: (date in ISO format, at which this comment was posted)
- dragHandleProps: (any html elment that we need to use to drag this component around will have these props)
- snapshot: (current snapshot of the drag, we’ll use this information to assign a class for now, but you can what you want with it)
- …props: (rest of the props passed down to this component, these will include the props sent by the <Draggable/> component that we’ll need to attach to this li element (root element)
We’re forwarding ref for the similar reason we were forwarding ref for <Comments/> component.
Integrating the components:
Now let’s mix these together, take a look at src/App.js
This is a big file, so we’ll only look at the important bits that need explanation, rest you can look up at the project’s repo.
Let’s take a look at what we’re rendering
return (...{/* rendering comments */}<DragDropContext onDragEnd={dragEnded}>
Every <Droppable/> component should have a unique droppableId attribute, we use this to identify the source and destination before/after a drag/drop event.
<Droppable droppableId="comments-wrapper">
<Droppable/> and <Draggable/> expect their children to be a function that is passed two parameters (provided and snapshot) so they can pass in additional functionality to their children (returned by the function) using these parameters.
{(provided, snapshot) => (
Here, you can see, the <Droppable/> requires reference (provided.innerRef) of the root html element inside of it, so as discussed before, the <Comments/> component forwards this ref object to it’s root html-element it renders, this way, the <Droppable/> component has a reference to said element.
<Comments ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.droppableProps}>{, index) => {return (
Every <Draggable/> component should have a unique draggableId attribute, we use this to identify the target item before/after a drag/drop event.
<DraggabledraggableId={`comment-${}`}index={index}key={}>{(_provided, _snapshot) => (<Commentref={_provided.innerRef}
Props that should be passed to html element that will be used to drag this component.
Additional props that need to be present inside the html element that needs to be draggable.
{..._provided.draggableProps}snapshot={_snapshot}{..._comment}/>)}</Draggable>);})}{provided.placeholder}</Comments>)}</Droppable></DragDropContext></div></div>);};export default App;
That’s all folks! Hope you learned something new!
Thank you so much for reading this!